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Complet patch readme:
Complet patch readme:
Complet patch readme:
: 16. 09. 2003 - 03:00 Patch 1.40 info U patche 1.40 se vyskytly urcite problemy, ktere jsou popsany v nasledujicim vyjadreni Michala Janacka, hlavniho programatora Pterodonu. Tyto problemy bude resit nasledujici patch 1.41, ktery vyjde v co nejkratsi dobe. Patch 1.40 info |
1. Opraveno padani hry na serveru i klientech.
2. Opraveny chybne textury, ktere se obcas objevovaly na zbranich a vybaveni. 3. Vylepsen sitovy kod - hra vykazuje mensi zpozdovani se. 4. Nova ochrana proti Speedhacku. 5. Zvuky prebijeni zbrani se nyni pohybuji s hracem. 6. Opraven prikaz swapplayer. 7. Zdravotnik v MP leci pouze 75% poskozeneho zdravi. 8. Pri skakani je snizena presnost strelby a je zakazano mireni. 9. Hrac nyni muze vykouknout prez prekazku pouzitim klavesy pro mireni i pri pouzivani dalekohledu. 10. Kdyz hrac vola leteckou podporu muze posilat zpravy bez nechteneho preruseni radiove komunikace. 11. Maximalni hodnota zpozdeni spectatora se zvysila na 180 vterin. 12. Opraveny obcas chybejici hlasove prikazy v MP. 13. Opraveny prikazy: mlchangemap , mlchangecurmap a mlchangeendrule - nefungovalo zadavani fragu a bodu. 14. Nove konzolove prikazy pro administratora a vzdaleneho administratora. - set srvteamlock lock - set srvvmchat 0/1 - set srvbluebt 0/1
Complet patch readme:
Download. [ 22.60 MB ] |
Download. [ 9.75 MB ] Fixes for patch v1.01 1. Significantly improved ingame Frame Rate. 2. Fixed players respawning in each other during Multiplayer action - NB - the server must be running v1.01 to fix this issue. 3. Improved support for surround gaming (supported by Matrox Parhelia). 4. Fixed aim cross, radar and buttons in the briefing. 5. Fixed rendering of plants on Xabre graphics card. 6. Fixed some problems when using DED files to run dedicated server. 7. Fixed teamkill autokick option. 8. Improved protection against cheaters in multiplayer. |
Download. [ 12.23 MB ] Vietcong Multiplayer Beta demo patch info: Play Flying Heroes ( for that ; ) 2: Holes in the scenery have been filled - also stopping people from cheating. 3. Binocular key now works in the way the Crouch or Walk keys work (short click to switch on/off, hold to switch on - release to switch off). 4: Correct sorting of servers during enumeration. 5: Server removes kicked out players immediately, instead of at the start of voting (as seen with clients). 6: Game crash when picking up weapons (experienced on some slow ping games). 7: No sounds in spectator mode (when waiting to spawn). 8: Improved ladder functionality. 9: Some weapon models improved. 10: Support for dedicated servers with no 3D gfx card added; there are 2 ways to run it: a) command line: vietcong.exe -dedicated An option window will open, choose options, start b) command line: vietcong.exe -dedicated definitionfile.ded definitionfile.ded can be created in an option window in case 1 using 'save' button definitionfile.ded can be edited later - it's a text file This will start a dedicated server without any further questions. 11: 'server and all clients lock up when using grenades' should be fixed |
(Laky, 21. 7. 2007 18:30)